Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Big Data and Analytics Play an Important Role in the Energy Industry

        Lowering energy consumption, looking for new sources of renewable energy and boosting energy efficiency are all integral Big Data goals to protect the environment as well as to sustain economic growth. Big volumes of data in motion are being increasingly monitored and analyzed in real time, which helps in achieving these goals. A lot of huge organizations and businesses use different measures to ascertain that they have energy resources they need today and in the future. Nontraditional energy sources, like solar farms, wind turbines and wave energy are getting to be more realistic options as prices and scarcity of fossil fuels remain to be an issue.

          The same as numerous industries, Big Data science transforms the energy vertical, offering insights to cost reductions in down markets, as well as enabling oil producers to adjust to the demands in boom times. The recent oil prices decline have hit the economy of the world hard. With major fluctuations in the prices as well as the high cost of energy projects, quality information more than ever mattered more. Big Data could be used to boost energy efficiency as organizations are starting to use streaming data to increase energy efficiency. For instance, a big university monitors streaming data on its energy use and incorporates with weather data to perform real-time adjustments in energy utilization and production.

         The field of energy uses data science for cutting costs, minimize risk and optimize investments. Minimizing costs with data science is a popular application in the energy industry. Optimization of investment decisions take several forms, such as assisting investors and a better internal resource. Moreover, data science contributes to the enhancement of public safety through providing better oversight and monitoring.

       Big Data is valuable for numerous reasons. First and foremost, it provides the energy field with information and this is always valuable when used properly. It is being currently used to boost customer experience, for profit maximization and enhance efficiencies. Smart meters and real-time weather information systems are helpful in data gathering, decision-making and enhancing reliability. Moreover, it also allows investors to understand the impact of customer response weather, capital investment cycles, volatility of fuel price and other factors to influence investment decisions. The true value of Big Data is actually too big to fully comprehend, since more and more data becomes available, it would be those industries and businesses that are capable of harnessing information and making sense of it who would reap the benefits and stay ahead of the competition.

Members of a business community share and analyze streaming energy use data collectively. This allows organizations in the community to utilize energy more efficiently and minimize energy costs. Streaming data allows them to keep tabs of the supply and demand and make certain that changes in demand are anticipated and in balance with supply. Big Data is a great tool for the advancement of the production of alternative energy sources. The use of analytics and data science is expected to grow in the field of energy. In a low oil price scenario, management would seek cost reduction insights from data. In growth periods, data science would guide management decision making with better insights in improving production and to adjust to the market demand...

Big Data Analytics in Healthcare That Can Save People

Big Data has changed the way we manage, analyze and leverage data in any industry. One of the most promising areas where big data can be applied to make a change is healthcare. Healthcare Analytics have the potential to reduce costs of treatment, predict outbreaks of epidemics, avoid preventable diseases and improve the quality of life in general. Average human lifespan is increasing along world population, which poses new challenges to today’s treatment delivery methods. Healthcare professionals, just like business entrepreneurs, are capable of collecting massive amounts of data and look for best strategies to use these numbers..

For more Tips

Monday, May 28, 2018

Why we use big data?

In Simple words , Big data is an evolving term that describes any voluminous amount of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data that has the potential to be mined for information.

  1. Access to social data from search engines and sites like Facebook, twitter are enabling organizations to fine tune their business strategies. Marketing agencies are learning about the response for their campaigns, promotions, and other advertising mediums.
  2. Traditional customer feedback systems are getting replaced by new systems designed with ‘Big Data’ technologies. In these new systems, Big Data and natural language processing technologies are being used to read and evaluate consumer responses.
  3. Based on information in the social media like preferences and product perception of their consumers, product companies and retail organizations are planning their production.  
                                       For more tips 

Thursday, May 24, 2018


Expanding a business is a big challenge. It takes dedication, uncanny foresight and savvy. If you built that business from the ground up, the stakes are even higher

Expansion planning
With business analytics, you can find insights in visualizations and dashboards and then research them further with business intelligence and reports. Moreover, you can interact with the results and use the information to create your expansion plan

Finding your audience
usiness analytics offers social media analysis you can combine with internal customer data
Comparing this demographic target with publicly available census data lets you see even more. You can identify where people are most likely to take advantage of your products or services

Creating your business plan
All this real-time interaction with your data gives you a detailed map of what’s happening now, but you also need to know how well you’re performing first. With business analytics, you can use business performance solutions to find and forecast trends in sales, turnover and growth

Developing your marketing campaign
 Business analytics enables you to use your data to make insight-driven, targeted marketing and business development decisions so you can make decisions that can grow your business with confidence

Use predictive insights to take action
Don’t miss opportunities to make great plans. With predictive insights provided by business analytics, you can optimize your expansion and set yourself apart from the crowd. Business analytics enables you to study the factors that are influencing outcomes, while also providing the power of decision optimization so you can be assured that you’re on the right track.

                                                                 For more tips

That Three Which are Back bone of prediction

#Datascience #bigdata #Dataanalysis

Thanks For the support and credits goes to  Bigdatahadooptips

Saturday, May 19, 2018



The term bigdata may have been around for some time now, but there is still quite a lot of confusion about what it actually means. In truth, the concept is continually evolving and being reconsidered, as it remains the driving force behind many ongoing waves of digital transformation, including artificial intelligence, data science and the Internet of Things. But what exactly is Big Data and how is it changing our world...


Big Data Solutions For Business Analytics

Making your vision a reality It starts with what you see—not right in front of you, but rather, far ahead. Because what really matters is ...